• Question: What was your lest fav subject at school?

    Asked by Bill Nye to Martin on 5 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      I said that my favourite subjects at school were Chemistry and Maths… That’s probably because I was really good at them. However, I also liked Physics, History… In fact most of what I did at school. The only things I really didn’t particularly like were PE (though I did enjoy playing rugby) and those few subjects where you were forced to do things for no logical reason. For example in music, we were forced to listen to classical music because it was good for us! Which is a pity as I didn’t like that kind of being to told to like something because someone else says so. I prefer to make up my own mind. It is also a pity as before high school I was in the primary school choir and the local childrens’ theatre group and enjoyed singing.
