• Question: what plant or animal do we share the most DNA with?

    Asked by Steve to Alan, Ciorsdaidh, Lauren, Leonie, Martin, Neil, Shuo on 7 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 7 Mar 2018:

      I believe that Bonobo Chimpanzees are are closest living genetic relative… having killed off Homo Neanderthalensis, a competing Homo sub-species, some 10,000 to 20,000 years ago.

    • Photo: Neil Keddie

      Neil Keddie answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      I would have said one of the great apes – probably the orangutan. All living things have the same basic building blocks of DNA (I think I explained in your other question), but it’s the order that we put it in that makes us unique from anything else.

    • Photo: Ciorsdaidh Watts

      Ciorsdaidh Watts answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      I think it is Bonobo Chimpanzees. They are our closest genetic relative and they even have their own complex social groups and habits. They are generally a peaceful species…maybe we could learn a lot about from them…

    • Photo: Alan McCue

      Alan McCue answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      good answers already I see 🙂
