• Question: How good is herriot watt

    Asked by Master SHEEFU to Martin on 5 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 5 Mar 2018:

      Let me being by saying that I got my BSc and PhD (and DSc) from Heriot-Watt University. After my PhD, I got a position at the University of East Anglia in Norwich before moving to the University of Nottingham. Nottingham eventually promoted me to professor. I would add that I’m proud to be a graduate of Heriot-Watt University.

      Now your question… Is Heriot-Watt University a good University? Yes… according to our own students who for the last few years have placed us high in the national student survey especially my own discipline – Chemistry – which is has been in the top 5 or 10 in the UK for the last 5 or more years. Yes… according recent assessments of our research which places us high in the UK rankings for STEM subjects especially maths, physics, chemistry and engineering disciplines.

      However, don’t just rely on what you read in surveys or hear from people. If you are considering a particular university then you should visit that university. See what it is like, talk to the students and the staff. Ask yourself do you like the place and would you be prepared to spend 4 or 5 years there? I did all that when looking at universities as I was the first member of my family to go to university. I had no guidance other than from teachers. I decided to look at Heriot-Watt, Strathclyde and Glasgow. I found the campus environment, the small size of the classes and the overall friendliness of the staff and students very attractive and eventually signed up! Even over the convenience of Glasgow city centre! Interestingly since then, I’ve worked solely on campus universities on the edge of cities!
