• Question: where do you work on a day to day basis?

    Asked by Keiram13 to Alan, Ciorsdaidh, Lauren, Leonie, Martin, Neil, Shuo on 8 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Neil Keddie

      Neil Keddie answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      I work about half of my day in our research labs, mostly working at a fume cupboard. I spend the rest of my time in our teaching lab (a massive lab with over 40 fume hoods in it!) and in various small rooms teaching groups of students.

    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      My day varies a lot… Usually I start out in my office… then I might be teaching in a lecture theatre or delivering a workshop in a small seminar room or running a teaching laboratory. In terms of my research I have two large spaces where the kit that my students and I do our experiments on operates. I usually end up in my office at the end of the day.

    • Photo: Shuo Zhang

      Shuo Zhang answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      I spend most of my working time in research labs to conduct experiments. Office is normally for data analysis, chating and relaxing. Everyday I go beween office and lab back and forth frequently.

    • Photo: Lauren Webster

      Lauren Webster answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      I spend my time spilt between being the labs or in offices/lectures. A lot of my work is spilt between the two. As a trainer, I spend more time in the offices etc. I miss the lab!!!

    • Photo: Ciorsdaidh Watts

      Ciorsdaidh Watts answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      I work at the University of Glasgow. I spend most of my time as a lecturer in organic and medicinal chemistry and a lot of my time in the lab making compounds!

    • Photo: Alan McCue

      Alan McCue answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      At the university of Aberdeen. partly teaching and partly in a research lab 🙂
